

Your introduction to PostureMove starts with a personalized ‘posture audit’. This 75-minute assessment comprises the following:

  • An introductory chat and completion of a brief form;

  • ‘Before’ postural photographs (Anterior, Posterior and four Laterals), photographed against a postural grid chart;

  • ‘Before’ left and right leg weight distribution comparison;

  • ‘Before’ height measurement; and

  • An abridged session (see the Instruction page).

After your audit, I will e-mail you a succinct written report accompanying the images. I will explain what I observe and how I can facilitate positive change.

If you choose to move forward with a dozen sessions, we will repeat the postural photographs, leg weight distribution and height measurement, all after 11 sessions. The comparisons will be discussed at your 12th session.

The 75-minute posture audit is complimentary when followed by a 12-session pre-paid package. The price for this 12-session pre-paid package is $1,188 ($99 per 45-minute session). The 75-minute audit, on its own, including appraisal, photographs and abridged session costs $175.


The Alexander Technique is powerful in its simplicity.
— Laura P | CPA, San Mateo

Book your introductory session and learn to release unproductive holding.